Sunday, November 7, 2010


I am currently in a bored state with my hair. While I am very excited about the texture I have and the progress I am making with new growth....I just can't seem to come up with cute styles. I did not post pictures of my braid-out the other night because I was not very pleased with the results. Tonight I am going to re-braid to add more waves and curl to this three day old braid out. I go to the salon this Tuesday. I have a regimen of every other week the salon and on the off weeks I style myself. This has been very challenging but it will also force me to learn my hair and to fall in LOVE with it. It is also teaching me how to be patient. I can say that I have been so much more patient that I was in 2006. This seems like a cake walk compared to my first try at this. This time I plan on succeeding. I am also planning to document my weight loss journey which will start at the beginning of 2011.....(YIPPIE) Here are some products that I plan on trying in the near future. I purchased them all today. I will give reviews as I use them. I will use the pomade tonight as well as the Olive Oil and Sunflower moisturizer to re-braid my hair.  I love the IC Fantasia Gel, I used it last time I was natural. My hair loves it. I bought the Hicks Edges from my stylist. It does a great job tamming my edges thus far. It small amount of the Hicks Edges goes a long way. I oil my scalp every couple of days with the Optimum Oil Therapy. I like it because it is not oily at all. I use the Argan Oil to add shine to my hair and scalp. I have been washing my hair with the Hair One cleanser and I am happy with the results. Lastly....the LIFE SAVERS the conditioners. I use Silk Elements Olive Oil Conditioner as a deep conditioner and I detangle with the Silken Child Leave-in Detangler. These two items make it easier to comb out my hair. I also started taking my vitamins again for healthy, strong hair and nails. I also take a Women's Daily Vitamin. My goal is to start drinking more water as well. Today I haven't done a very good job at that. I've only had one glass...I have to work on that. Well I will keep you posted on this journey as well as reviews from the other products.
New Product...will try tonight later

New Product....will try tonight

promotes hair growth


Promotes healthy hair and nails

I Love this Gel

Silken child

My scalp treatment every couple of days
Life Saver

hair one cleanser

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